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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! South Carolina Math Standards - 7th GradeMathScore aligns to the South Carolina Math Standards for 7th Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Mathematical ProcessesStandard 7-1: The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.7-1.1 Generate and solve complex abstract problems that involve modeling physical, social, or mathematical phenomena. (Unit Cost , Purchases At Stores , Restaurant Bills , Commissions ) 7-1.2 Evaluate conjectures and pose follow-up questions to prove or disprove conjectures. 7-1.3 Use inductive and deductive reasoning to formulate mathematical arguments. 7-1.4 Understand equivalent symbolic expressions as distinct symbolic forms that represent the same relationship. 7-1.5 Generalize mathematical statements based on inductive and deductive reasoning. 7-1.6 Use correct and clearly written or spoken words, variables, and notation to communicate about significant mathematical tasks. 7-1.7 Generalize connections among a variety of representational forms and real-world situations. 7-1.8 Use standard and nonstandard representations to convey and support mathematical relationships. Number and OperationsStandard 7-2: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the representation of rational numbers, percentages, and square roots of perfect squares; the application of ratios, rates, and proportions to solve problems; accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods for operations with integers; the multiplication and division of fractions and decimals; and the inverse relationship between squaring and finding the square roots of perfect squares.7-2.1 Understand fractional percentages and percentages greater than one hundred. (Percentage Change , Percent of Quantity ) 7-2.2 Represent the location of rational numbers and square roots of perfect squares on a number line. (Number Line ) 7-2.3 Compare rational numbers, percentages, and square roots of perfect squares by using the symbols ≤, ≥, <, >, and =. (Compare Mixed Values 2 ) 7-2.4 Understand the meaning of absolute value. (Absolute Value 1 , Absolute Value 2 ) 7-2.5 Apply ratios, rates, and proportions to discounts, taxes, tips, interest, unit costs, and similar shapes. (Unit Cost , Purchases At Stores , Restaurant Bills , Commissions , Proportions 2 , Simple Interest , Compound Interest ) 7-2.6 Translate between standard form and exponential form. (Exponent Basics ) 7-2.7 Translate between standard form and scientific notation. (Scientific Notation ) 7-2.8 Generate strategies to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers. (Integer Addition , Integer Subtraction , Positive Integer Subtraction , Integer Multiplication , Integer Division , Integer Equivalence ) 7-2.9 Apply an algorithm to multiply and divide fractions and decimals. (Fraction Multiplication , Fraction Division , Decimal Multiplication , Decimal Division ) 7-2.10 Understand the inverse relationship between squaring and finding the square roots of perfect squares. (Estimating Square Roots , Perfect Squares ) AlgebraStandard 7-3: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of proportional relationships.7-3.1 Analyze geometric patterns and pattern relationships. 7-3.2 Analyze tables and graphs to describe the rate of change between and among quantities. (Determining Slope ) 7-3.3 Understand slope as a constant rate of change. (Determining Slope ) 7-3.4 Use inverse operations to solve two-step equations and two-step inequalities. (Single Variable Equations 2 , Single Variable Inequalities ) 7-3.5 Represent on a number line the solution of a two-step inequality. (Number Line Inequalities ) 7-3.6 Represent proportional relationships with graphs, tables, and equations. (Proportions 1 , Function Tables , Function Tables 2 ) 7-3.7 Classify relationships as either directly proportional, inversely proportional, or nonproportional. GeometryStandard 7-4: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of proportional reasoning, tessellations, the use of geometric properties to make deductive arguments. the results of the intersection of geometric shapes in a plane, and the relationships among angles formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines.7-4.1 Analyze geometric properties and the relationships among the properties of triangles, congruence, similarity, and transformations to make deductive arguments. (Congruent And Similar Triangles ) 7-4.2 Explain the results of the intersection of two or more geometric shapes in a plane. 7-4.3 Illustrate the cross section of a solid. 7-4.4 Translate between two- and three-dimensional representations of compound figures. 7-4.5 Analyze the congruent and supplementary relationships-specifically, alternate interior, alternate exterior, corresponding, and adjacent-of the angles formed by parallel lines and a transversal. (Identifying Angles , Angle Measurements , Angle Measurements 2 ) 7-4.6 Compare the areas of similar shapes and the areas of congruent shapes. (Area And Volume Proportions ) 7-4.7 Explain the proportional relationship among attributes of similar shapes. (Congruent And Similar Triangles ) 7-4.8 Apply proportional reasoning to find missing attributes of similar shapes. (Proportions 2 ) 7-4.9 Create tessellations with transformations. 7-4.10 Explain the relationship of the angle measurements among shapes that tessellate. MeasurementStandard 7-5: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of how to use ratio and proportion to solve problems involving scale factors and rates and how to use one-step unit analysis to convert between and within the U.S. Customary System and the metric system.7-5.1 Use ratio and proportion to solve problems involving scale factors and rates. (Distance, Rate, and Time , Train Problems ) 7-5.2 Apply strategies and formulas to determine the surface area and volume of the three-dimensional shapes prism, pyramid, and cylinder. (Rectangular Solids , Rectangular Solids 2 , Triangular Prisms , Cylinders ) 7-5.3 Generate strategies to determine the perimeters and areas of trapezoids. (Trapezoids ) 7-5.4 Recall equivalencies associated with length, mass and weight, and liquid volume: (Distance Conversion , Volume Conversion , Weight Conversion ) 7-5.5 Use one-step unit analysis to convert between and within the U.S. Customary System and the metric system. (Distance Conversion , Volume Conversion , Weight Conversion ) Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard 7-6: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the relationships between two populations or samples.7-6.1 Predict the characteristics of two populations based on the analysis of sample data. 7-6.2 Organize data in box plots or circle graphs as appropriate. 7-6.3 Apply procedures to calculate the interquartile range. 7-6.4 Interpret the interquartile range for data. 7-6.5 Apply procedures to calculate the probability of mutually exclusive simple or compound events. 7-6.6 Interpret the probability of mutually exclusive simple or compound events. 7-6.7 Differentiate between experimental and theoretical probability of the same event. 7-6.8 Use the fundamental counting principle to determine the number of possible outcomes for a multistage event. Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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